Category Archives: Morning Joe

National Disgrace

The Rise and Fall of Donald Trump

Blowhard  [ˈblōˌhärd] (noun): A person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner.  A person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way; a braggart, windbag, loudmouth, gasbag, asshole, ass wipe, dumb ass, dick, idiot, etc.

Donald Trump has a small penis.  Everyone knows that the guy with the biggest gun has the smallest penis…

The “liberal media” loves a good story.  Donald Trump is a “showman”, a carnival barker, a racist son of a bitch.  Thus, the rise of the Donald.  But please “liberal media”, don’t insult my intelligence by sitting around your glass tables pontificating as to why Donald Trump has such large crowds and has lasted so long as front-runner, as I sit and watch 30 minutes of a Trump rally, where he spoke about his poll numbers, how large his crowd was, how everything was going to be beautiful, about the fact that he hasn’t spent any money-he wants to spend money, but he’s getting all this free publicity…  and how stupid the media is – you know, “those idiots at the back of the room”, you know, the ones that never show his large crowds (camera then shows his audience), you know, the ones that never pan the crowd (camera then pans the room).  Oh.  He meant those idiots.

Then, the broadcast returned to the studio where the talking heads spoke Trump for another 20 minutes, then returned to his rally.  Hmmm… I wonder how he did it?  I’m sure the “liberal media” policy of: 24/7, everything Trump – had nothing to do with it. Make no mistake, Donald Trump is not the national disgrace.  The liberal media is.  It is they who embraced the Tea Party and their blatant racism toward Pres. Obama.  It is they who gave the Tea party the platform  to speak and represented them as a majority, not the minority of “Americans” (instead of Republican-Americans) that they were.  It is they who embraced the Birther Movement and Donald Trump’s ridiculous demand to see Pres. Obama’s birth certificate.  It is they who, with the help of the Republican Party, laid the ground work for today’s political environment; one filled with fear, racism, and divisiveness.  It is they who are the national disgrace.

“People see him as the strongest to deal with foreign policy, the economy, on all the issues, and national security, that voters care about.” – Mark Halprin, Morning Joe

But why does no one ask: “Based on what?” His ability to bloviate?  Certainly not on his policy proposals;  Making America Great Again by: Building a wall that “the Mexicans” will pay for (and it will be beautiful-the biggest most beautiful wall that you have ever seen).  Fixing the economy – the one that corporations (of which Donald Trump owns more than a few) have enjoyed making record profits in for the last 7 years of the Obama administration.  Helping the middle class; cutting their, as well as corporate taxes (because what, corporations need another tax cut? or does he have faith in the “Trickle Down Theory”?, and if the rich getting richer is such a good thing, please explain why the United States is suffering [middle class, poor point of view] from the largest gap of income inequality in its history?).  Defeating Isis-by “bombing the shit out of them” because bombs have worked so well so far…  Well, at least we can have confidence in his negotiation skills.  After all, he is a multi-billionaire right? “One figure that was missing: Trump’s net worth.” – I mean, he’s smart and everyone else is stupid right?

If all it takes to become President of the United States is to be a racist carnival barker who talks in circles but says nothing, a bully who bases his political campaign on personal attacks resulting in emotional not cerebral commentary, a candidate who has no policy plans other than “Its gonna be beautiful.”, well ladies and gentlemen, meet your new president…

You’re almost there buddy.  Blow harder Donald.  Blow harder.

Conservatives Shun Republican Party

Joe Scarborough: Republicans are not Conservative

     Joe:  “When Ronald Reagan ran in 1980, aides and everybody talked about how he was stupid.  We found out after he passed away that every time he sat on a plane, a train, a car, he was constantly reading, constantly writing things down – so by 1980 he understood what it meant to be a Conservative. (Reading Mika’s eyes one could imagine her thinking “comic books and tic-tac-toe”).  We conservatives feel betrayed by the Republican Party.  George Dubya Bush was going to be a conservative president; he doubled the national debt, he took a $150 billion surplus and turned it into a $1 trillion deficit.  He said he was going to rid the world of tyranny in all four corners.  Bush’s ideas were not conservative ideas.  So are we going to rush into the arms of Mitt Romney and make it 4 more years of big government Republicanism (not Conservatism)?  Just telling me Mitt Romney is not as bad as Barack Obama – that’s not enough for me.”

     Frankly, to hear those words coming out of a Republican mouth – shocking!  I remember when Bush the Illegitimate  was in office, each and every one of his policies were vigorously defended by the Republicans.  If one were to disagree, you would be called “un-American” and the Republican party would search for ways to crush you either personally or professionally. Ask the Dixie Chicks.  Ask Helen Thomas.  How soon we forget.  The one trait Conservatives and Republicans share?  Hypocrisy.

      A shout-out to Starbucks Coffee.  Whatever you’re putting in the coffee – keep it up!

– L. Morales

Chuck Todd gives Joe Scarborough the Finger


At 04:26 this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Washington reporter and political talk show host Chuck Todd gave host Joe Scarborough the finger.  Cameras caught the offensive gesture while Todd waited with another member of the boy’s club, David Gregory, for their segment.  I for one was highly offended and am waiting for an apology from the network, a personal apology from Chuck Todd, and fines for both he and the network.  Wait… … that’s me holding my breath.

While watching the segment, the question of Chuck breaking the rules of television etiquette became secondary to the, once again, issue of the constant belittling  of co-host Mika Brzezinski and her opinions.  Mika: “What, what – I speak up…”  Joe (cuts her off as usual): “It’s not that you speak up – it’s that you delegitimize my world view of government that I’ve believed for 20 years, and Barack Obama by the way, does this too – all the time, it’s “those Republicans just want to stop me” there’s never the assumption that maybe “those Republicans” don’t believe in his big government prescriptions”*.  Mika: “With all respect to your world view…” – of course she wasn’t allowed to finish her thought.  She was again subjected to the “Republican shout-down”.  Not sure how she does it every day.  She’s an accomplished, intelligent, attractive woman whose opinions should not be stifled.  Hey MSNBC, after you pay the fine for Chuck Todd’s shenanigans, perhaps you could look into “Mornings with Mika”?

* Republicans often speak of a “mandate” when referring to their 2010 victory in congress.  With the help of the corporate media, they were able to secure a majority in congress by promising jobs for the American people.  This was to be their top priority.  Of course, after the election, the Republican agenda changed to: “Our top priority is to make Barack Obama a one term president”.  They have not introduced a single jobs bill in 3 years.  Instead they have blocked everything President Obama has tried to do when it comes to repairing the economy.  Question:  When Barack Obama won the Presidency with a 70% ** majority, was that not a mandate? The Republicans have never given Pres. Obama an opportunity to enact his policies, yet they demand theirs be allowed because of their “mandate”.  What’s that word I’m looking for… starts with an H, ends with… ypocrisy?

** 53% national – 61% California
– L. Morales