Monthly Archives: February 2012

I Love Vagina -or- You say Virginia…

He wants to Get to Know You...

     Vagina Rules!

     Rule #1:  Women vote dumb-ass.

     Possibly the most wonderful creation God has ever made, I love it.  Do you? Why do Republicans hate vagina?  I would argue their apparent war on women proves it right?  Is it jealously? Envy?  Payback for past denial?  Something Freudian perhaps?

    The latest:  Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R)  says he will sign into law a bill that would require a forced vaginal probe and a waiting period before any abortion.  This would be done regardless of patient or doctor consent.  Governor “get to know you” McDonnell is rumored to be high – on Mitt Romney’s list of possible vice presidential running mates.  Maybe he is just trying to endear himself to women voters?

     Question: Why are there any women in the Republican party? Can someone please explain it to me?  This example is just the latest in a long line of anti-woman policies the power-drunk Republican Party has unleashed.  For a party that claims to want government out of our lives, they keep finding creative ways to be involved in the most intimate parts of it.  The right of a woman to her self-determination is just that – hers.  Dumb-ass.

– L. Morales

Orlistat! Gingrich Loses Weight

Breaking NewsNewt denies Oily Taint

      Having easy access to laughing gas is not a good thing.  With renewed urgency, California attorney Orly Taitz continued to beat her dead horse.  At a Gingrich campaign event in Pasadena California, the leader of the birther movement appealed to fading Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich to adopt her flailing cause.  “Somebody who wouldn’t be good enough, who wouldn’t be certified to pick tomatoes or clean bathrooms is sitting in the White House.” she emphatically stated.  Not willing to take on the added weight of the birther fantasy, Gingrich said, “That’s a project you should pursue.  I have enough issues to debate Obama about.”

     Oh Newt.  Such the politician.  He once again skillfully played both sides of the fence.  He of course recognizes the futility of the birther movement and the damage it might do if he were to openly embrace it.  Be assured, he also knows there is a following for the nonsensical movement, so, as he has done from the beginning, he disrespectfully refers to the President as “Obama”, subliminally confirming and reinforcing the talking point that the President is not “the President” and he too questions his legitimacy.   Oh Newt.

* Xenical (Orlistat) – a weight loss pill whose severe side effects should be Googled at your leisure.
– L. Morales

The Norquist Quest Continues…

Operation: Usurp

President Grover Glenn Norquist. The man, the myth, the fact, the fiction.  Instead of striving to achieve the perfection of the vision of our forefathers – a life espoused by the the Constitution, Grover Norquist appears intent upon morphing it, changing the country into a mutated version of his own creation.   Like a dog with a bone, he won’t let go.  His apparent contempt for the Constitution fuels his end run around it.  Why run for office when through lies, manipulation, bribery, blackmail, race-baiting, intimidation and cleverly planted puppets, you can force your personal agenda upon an entire country?

Can we get this man his own country?  On the moon perhaps?  Newt Gingrich will never be President of the United States but,  hmmm…

– L. Morales

The Maine Event

and the Winner is…

     In this corner, Newt Gingrich – Gingrich… in this corner Rick Santorum – Santorum in the corner everybody – somebody get a mop… and in this corner, racist Ron Paul – Racist Ron everybody…  and in this corner… the $57,000/hour man Mitt Romney.  Yes, the cage match continues…

“Tired of the Obama extreme agenda” and “excited to cast the first vote against it”, Maine caucus goers helped “severe conservative” Mitt Romney deliver a knockout punch today.  The golden-gloved one delivered the 1-2 to his opponents with a 39% victory topping Ron Paul’s 36%, Rick Santorum’s 18% and Newt Gingrich’s 6%.

One step closer to being chin-checked by Barack Obama.

– L. Morales



Racism Promoted at CPAC 2012

FEAR FACTOR: Santorum Compares Contraceptive Proposal to French Revolution and the Guillotine

Big Deal

Pres. Obama Unhooks Banks

   President Obama announced a historic settlement today.  A $25 billion settlement was reached with Bank (not for) America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Ally Financial over their blatantly fraudulent,  selfish, heartless, economy and middle class destroying activities in the housing market.  But is it enough?  Hard to know when the actual size of the fraud is yet to be determined.  Investigations are still ongoing.

    The settlement promises those who have already lost their home up to $2,000 in compensation (2 little too late), principle reduction for those still in their home and are underwater (to market value?), as well as new regulatory guidelines for the mortgage servicing industry (depends entirely upon enforcement).  Up to 40 states have signed on to the agreement (New York and California included) which brings into question the adequacy of the amount of the settlement.  Historic settlement?  Historic fraud (bank perpetrated).  Did the Pres. let them off the hook?  When we finally find out how much carnage the banks actually caused, will they be laughing all the way to themselves?

– L. Morales

Santorum hits Fan

Is Mitt Still the Shit? -or-        Is Romney # 2?

The “anyone but Romney” vote reared its ugly head in Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri last night assuring the continuation of a long, bloody, Super Pac infused Republican primary race.  Rick Santorum won all three Republican contests.  Democrats are loving it!


– L. Morales


Oily Taint / Santorum Connection?

      Taitz goes Black

     The leader of the birther movement, Orly Taitz, seems to be interested in a little strange.  Republican apologist Allen West is about as strange as they come.  The Florida congressman is on her radar because of his latest outburst.  He demanded that Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and Pres. Barack Obama “Get the hell out of the United States of America! (and he did say hell)”  Orly is trying to hook up with the Tea Party Republican in a bid to keep her fictitious  movement relevant; by using him as a “congressional surrogate” for her BM (birther guys, birther).  I’m sure Pres. Obama hopes they get together so he won’t have to see her again.   But doesn’t an Orly Taitz / Santorum alliance seem more…   humorous?

– L. Morales