Monthly Archives: December 2011

Black Peter, White Paul

Paul Defends Peter

     In the 1840’s when the Dutch empire had deep involvement in the slave “trade”, a quaint tale of one of Santa Claus’ helpers was created.  His name was Black Peter.  He was a little African slave boy who helped Santa by carrying a book full of  the names of all the naughty children.  He also carried a rod and a sack.  No, not full of toys, this sack was used to carry all the bad children away.

     This delightful Christmas tale is apparently still being enthusiastically celebrated in the Netherlands today.  By donning afros, blackface, and red lipstick, they proudly keep their beloved tradition intact; preserved for future generations.  The vigorous  defense of the character?: He is only Black because of coming down the chimney, but he, of course, refuses to bathe.  Hmm… a White African slave who refuses to bathe …

     Newly revealed racist Ron Paul has been feeling the heat lately because of some previously expressed beliefs.  Apparently, in the 1990s, the Ron Paul Investment Newsletter informed not only on financial matters, but on racial ones as well.  In 1990, the newsletter called Martin Luther King Jr. “a world class adulterer who seduced underage girls and boys”. It also criticized the MLK day holiday as “Hate Whitey Day”.  Then there was the delightful “If you have ever been robbed by a Black teen, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be.” and the factual “In the 1992 Los Angeles riots, order was only restored in LA when it came time for the Blacks to pick up their welfare checks.”  Also, the informative “At least 39 White women have been stuck with used hypodermic needles – perhaps infected with Aids – by gangs of Black girls between the ages of 12-14.” and the always helpful “Carjacking is the hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth.  If you have to use a gun on a youth, leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible.”

     Racist Ron continues to deny knowing anything about the articles published under his name.  “I didn’t write them.  I didn’t read them at the time.  I disavow them.”  He did however enthusiastically promote the newsletter.  His campaign chairman Drew Ivers said, “He does not retreat or deny material written under his own signature, such as the letter promoting the newsletter.”  When will they learn?  Never put it in writing.

     Assuming he’s telling the truth (which I doubt),  “Big Picture” question: If he can’t lead a newsletter, should he be allowed to lead the free world?

  – L. Morales

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

Sympathy for the D_____?

     In an effort to pinpoint the reasons why Uncle Clarence Thomas is so contrary, the following facts were discovered:

1. He was born in 1948 in the deep south in Pinpoint, Georgia.

2. He was abandoned by his father when he was 2 years old.

3. At 7 years old, his mother remarried, the family house burned down, and Clarence and his brother were sent to live with their grandfather.

4. He was educated at an all Black Roman Catholic primary school run by White nuns, then a boarding school seminary where he was the only Black graduate in his class.

5. His freshman year in college was spent at Immaculate Conception Abbey.  He then transferred to Holy Cross College where, in 1971, he received his Bachelors Degree.  His subsequent achievements culminated in his contentious appointment to the Supreme Court.

     As you can see, the guy never had a chance.  One can only imagine the emotional and psychological stresses he must have gone through as a child, that have manifested themselves in his blackened heart and self hatred of today.

– L. Morales

Newt Gingrich wants Clarence Thomas Arrested

                                                    Lynch Arrest Him!

      Newt Gingrich’s poll numbers have plummeted in Iowa.  Due to the constant barrage of negative ads from racist Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and his Super Pac: Restore Our Future, the professor finds himself in third place behind Paul and Romney (1st and 2nd respectively).  In an angry statement Gingrich exacerbated, “They ought to be ashamed of themselves!  Take this junk off the air! Don’t hide behind some baloney about not having control over them!”  Newt also mentioned that the Super Pac Restore Our Future is run by 5 of Mitt Romney’s friends.

Now, let’s get this straight.  Newt Gingrich doesn’t like Super Pacs being used against him.  Therefore he doesn’t agree with the Supreme Court decision Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission; making corporations people, where money equals speech.  Just recently he said, “Activist judges should be thrown out.  They should be called before Congress to explain their decisions.”  And like a good Republican, he took it one step further.  He stated that any judge who was uncooperative should be arrested by the Federal Marshals  and forced to appear.  In this country, what are the odds Uncle Thomas would be the first to go?  One down, four to go Newt?  … Newt?

– L. Morales

Grim Weeper Reaps…

What Tea Party Sowed

      With the help of the Tea Party Republicans, Speaker of the House John Boehner suffered a humiliating and embarrassing defeat today; one that calls into question his competence as Speaker.  He was forced to allow a vote on the middle class Payroll Tax Cut, which Republicans in the House, after days of  rhetoric and vitriol, begrudgingly passed.    Imagine that… having to be pressured to help 160 million Americans save an average of $40.00/paycheck.  A government “by the people, for the people”?  Let’s not forget this come election time shall we?

After signing the extension this morning, President Obama is well on his way to his Christmas in Hawaii – Aloha Mr. President.

– L. Morales

Sir Isaac Newt on…

    Activist Judges

     Professor Newt Gingrich thinks “Judges who have ruled in favor of gay marriages or against prayer in schools are ‘activists’ who should be thrown out.  They should be called before Congress to explain their decisions” (a process Newt himself is familiar with).  He spoke of the precedent set by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 when he abolished 3 Federal courts.

     That may be true, but in Newt’s world, in an effort to keep their jobs, wouldn’t  judges end up making decisions based on what they believe a particular Congress and/or  President’s ideologies are, instead of based on the judges’ own interpretation of the law?    Funny, the Newtster never mentions the activist majority on the Supreme Court; reversing 100 years of precedent and decreeing corporations people.

– L. Morales

Chuck Todd gives Joe Scarborough the Finger


At 04:26 this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Washington reporter and political talk show host Chuck Todd gave host Joe Scarborough the finger.  Cameras caught the offensive gesture while Todd waited with another member of the boy’s club, David Gregory, for their segment.  I for one was highly offended and am waiting for an apology from the network, a personal apology from Chuck Todd, and fines for both he and the network.  Wait… … that’s me holding my breath.

While watching the segment, the question of Chuck breaking the rules of television etiquette became secondary to the, once again, issue of the constant belittling  of co-host Mika Brzezinski and her opinions.  Mika: “What, what – I speak up…”  Joe (cuts her off as usual): “It’s not that you speak up – it’s that you delegitimize my world view of government that I’ve believed for 20 years, and Barack Obama by the way, does this too – all the time, it’s “those Republicans just want to stop me” there’s never the assumption that maybe “those Republicans” don’t believe in his big government prescriptions”*.  Mika: “With all respect to your world view…” – of course she wasn’t allowed to finish her thought.  She was again subjected to the “Republican shout-down”.  Not sure how she does it every day.  She’s an accomplished, intelligent, attractive woman whose opinions should not be stifled.  Hey MSNBC, after you pay the fine for Chuck Todd’s shenanigans, perhaps you could look into “Mornings with Mika”?

* Republicans often speak of a “mandate” when referring to their 2010 victory in congress.  With the help of the corporate media, they were able to secure a majority in congress by promising jobs for the American people.  This was to be their top priority.  Of course, after the election, the Republican agenda changed to: “Our top priority is to make Barack Obama a one term president”.  They have not introduced a single jobs bill in 3 years.  Instead they have blocked everything President Obama has tried to do when it comes to repairing the economy.  Question:  When Barack Obama won the Presidency with a 70% ** majority, was that not a mandate? The Republicans have never given Pres. Obama an opportunity to enact his policies, yet they demand theirs be allowed because of their “mandate”.  What’s that word I’m looking for… starts with an H, ends with… ypocrisy?

** 53% national – 61% California
– L. Morales

Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Eric Cantor Delays Key Legislation

Some people say Eric Cantor wants to hold onto the keys to the treasure chest just a little longer – if not indefinitely.  By not allowing a vote on the Stock Act, introduced by Democrats Louise Slaughter and Tim Walz, he is allowing the congress to continue their self-legalized insider trading.  This bill is an effort to deal with the obvious conflict of interest issue by increasing disclosure, in an effort to ensure legislators cannot benefit from inside information.   As it stands, congress members and their staff can legally benefit from non- public information learned while doing their jobs.  Cha-Ching!  This explains why many go to congress members of the 99%, and leave members of the 1.

– L. Morales

We’re Number 1!

    Los Angeles does it Again!

No, I’m not talking basketball.  No, not hockey, soccer, football, baseball or any other sport.  I’m talking about something important.  Something that will affect your future as well as that of your children and grandchildren.

An organization called Move to Amend (.org) started a petition to amend the U.S. Constitution.  The goal is to establish the obvious: corporations are not people (Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission; the Supreme Court decision that allows anonymous, unlimited  purchase [money=speech] of the U.S. political process, and therefore, the United States government).  L.A. City Councilman Eric Garcetti heard of the Occupy Wall Street-inspired petition, liked the idea, and drafted a resolution.    It states: only living persons, not corporations are endowed with constitutional rights and that money is not the same as free speech.

The Los Angles City Council voted on the resolution yesterday at 10:00 am.  As you may have guessed by now, it passed unanimously!  Los Angeles became the first major city in the United States to call for an end to all corporate constitutional person-hood.  Councilman Garcetti said: ” We’re very proud to come together and send a message, but more than that, this becomes the official position of the City of Los Angeles.  We will officially lobby for this. I also chair a group which oversees all the Democratic mayors and council members in the country and we’re going to share this with all our 3,000 members and we hope to see this start here in the west and sweep the nation until one day we do have a constitutional amendment which will return the power to the people.”

Bravo L.A.!  Once again the trend setter. Who would have thought we would ever need a resolution like this, to castrate the judicial activism of the shady majority on the Supreme Court?

– L. Morales

Time for a little fun at Herman Cain’s Expense

* Note to Our Readers…


Thank You


– S.W./ L.M.