Category Archives: Mitt Romney

Convention Bumps and Bruises

The Seeds of Discontent

“Republicans who want Mitt Romnay to win – who desperately want Barack Obama out of the race, had  better hope that people like Karl Rove and others that have influence in this campaign start going to the candidate and getting in his face and saying ‘we’re investing a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money in you buddy and you better get your stuff together, and the next time you go on a national Sunday show, you’d better have some answers.  You’re not going to be able to coast into victory; you will coast into a 52 – 48 loss.'” – Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe).  Even devoted partisan,  Republican defender Mark Halperin stated, “The President has a meaningful lead and it’s not tied or within the margin of error.”

It seems reality has set in.  Republican party members are publicly (and Mitt Romney’s team privately), acknowledging the “bump” the DNC received from their convention and the lack of one for the Republicans.  Polls show Pres. Obama with 49% of the vote, and Mitt Romney with 44%.  Even the Republican skewing Rasmussen Poll shows:  Obama: 50%  Romney: 45%.

Uh-oh, better ramp up the voter suppression guys!

– lm




Exercise in Futility

  Resistance is Futile

The Borg-like Mitt Romney suffered incredible primary losses in the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama last night.  Once again he showed he cannot win in the South.  Lucky for Mitt he will be running agin a negro Nazi, socialistic communist, Keynesian Marxist Muslim who hates white people and wants to take their guns away.

The longer the Republican primary race goes on, the more it seems that Mitt the Inevitable may become Mitt the Fortuitous (if he is allowed the nomination).  The Republican party is going to have to pull a rabbit out of the proverbial bag of dirty tricks if they want their man in.  Can’t wait for the show.

President Obama on the other hand?  Well, what will the Republican agenda be when he wins in November?  To make sure he doesn’ t win a third term?  Will they be able to overcome their racist tendencies and work with him to actually help the American people?  Or, will we give President Obama what he needs – overwhelming majorities in both the House and Senate – to do the things he knows that we know that he knows we want him to do?

– L. Morales

Exxon Effoff

  Republicans Full of Gas

     By now we all know that the United States consumes approx. 20% of the world’s oil while our domestic production capacity sits at 2%.  We could not drill enough oil here in America to supply our own addicted demand, much less influence world oil prices.  Yet Republican presidential hopefuls continue to blame President Obama for the spike in prices at the tank.  Newt Gingrich even goes so far as to say,  if he’s elected President, gas prices will be $2.50/gallon.  Remember when John McCain said he knew where Osama Bin Laden was?  All we had to do was elect him President and he would tell us.  Well we all know where Osama is now don’t we?

     Interesting interview yesterday.  Matt Lauer of the Today Show asked about the increase in gasoline prices.  Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of Exxon (the world’s largest oil company) stated: “What drove these prices up is entirely the crude oil price.  Supply and demand is fine.  So what’s led to this most recent run-up?  Obviously concerns about the rhetoric over the closing of the Strait of Hormuz and the conflicts with Iran.”  What?  Did he just say that?  Yes, yes he did.  The 1%er confirmed that Wall  St. speculators are responsible for the drastic and sudden increases in gas prices.  Not President Obama.  So sorry Republicans, I guess it’s back to the drawing board!

p.s.  – Drill baby drill!

– L. Morales

I Love Vagina -or- You say Virginia…

He wants to Get to Know You...

     Vagina Rules!

     Rule #1:  Women vote dumb-ass.

     Possibly the most wonderful creation God has ever made, I love it.  Do you? Why do Republicans hate vagina?  I would argue their apparent war on women proves it right?  Is it jealously? Envy?  Payback for past denial?  Something Freudian perhaps?

    The latest:  Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R)  says he will sign into law a bill that would require a forced vaginal probe and a waiting period before any abortion.  This would be done regardless of patient or doctor consent.  Governor “get to know you” McDonnell is rumored to be high – on Mitt Romney’s list of possible vice presidential running mates.  Maybe he is just trying to endear himself to women voters?

     Question: Why are there any women in the Republican party? Can someone please explain it to me?  This example is just the latest in a long line of anti-woman policies the power-drunk Republican Party has unleashed.  For a party that claims to want government out of our lives, they keep finding creative ways to be involved in the most intimate parts of it.  The right of a woman to her self-determination is just that – hers.  Dumb-ass.

– L. Morales

Santorum hits Fan

Is Mitt Still the Shit? -or-        Is Romney # 2?

The “anyone but Romney” vote reared its ugly head in Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri last night assuring the continuation of a long, bloody, Super Pac infused Republican primary race.  Rick Santorum won all three Republican contests.  Democrats are loving it!


– L. Morales


Rom-kneed in the Newts

WHUT ?!!

Is Newt Moot? -or- Super Pacs Pack Powerful Punch

  In case you haven’t heard, Mitt Romney won the Republican primary in Florida today. Romney-47%/ Gingrich-31%/ Santorum-13%/ Paul-7%. “Carpet-bombing” is what Newt Gingrich called it.  92% of the ads run in Florida were negative.  $30 million worth. Democrats are loving it!  Next stop Nevada.  I wonder if the candidates will play fair in Las Vegas?  What are the odds?

– L. Morales

Conservatives Shun Republican Party

Joe Scarborough: Republicans are not Conservative

     Joe:  “When Ronald Reagan ran in 1980, aides and everybody talked about how he was stupid.  We found out after he passed away that every time he sat on a plane, a train, a car, he was constantly reading, constantly writing things down – so by 1980 he understood what it meant to be a Conservative. (Reading Mika’s eyes one could imagine her thinking “comic books and tic-tac-toe”).  We conservatives feel betrayed by the Republican Party.  George Dubya Bush was going to be a conservative president; he doubled the national debt, he took a $150 billion surplus and turned it into a $1 trillion deficit.  He said he was going to rid the world of tyranny in all four corners.  Bush’s ideas were not conservative ideas.  So are we going to rush into the arms of Mitt Romney and make it 4 more years of big government Republicanism (not Conservatism)?  Just telling me Mitt Romney is not as bad as Barack Obama – that’s not enough for me.”

     Frankly, to hear those words coming out of a Republican mouth – shocking!  I remember when Bush the Illegitimate  was in office, each and every one of his policies were vigorously defended by the Republicans.  If one were to disagree, you would be called “un-American” and the Republican party would search for ways to crush you either personally or professionally. Ask the Dixie Chicks.  Ask Helen Thomas.  How soon we forget.  The one trait Conservatives and Republicans share?  Hypocrisy.

      A shout-out to Starbucks Coffee.  Whatever you’re putting in the coffee – keep it up!

– L. Morales

Iowa Caucai

                    Ubiquitous Santorum -or- Iowaaaaa?

     Santorum is on everyone’s lips today.  And rightfully so.  Presidential contender Rick Santorum placed a very close and very respectable 2nd in the first Republican presidential contest.  9 votes and he would have won.  Having not nearly as much financial backing as Mitt Romney, he employed an alternate tactic and canvassed the hell out of Iowa.  Spending 250 days and stopping at each of Iowa’s 99 counties paid off.  In the group of right wing ideologues with cockeyed ideas, he is second on the list.  Congratulations!

– question for the Iowa voters: What the hell is a Pizza Ranch?

– L. Morales

Iowa Decides on the Decider

  In Iowa its Willie Geist

     Still way too early to call, Iowa Republicans are currently voting on who is to represent them in the 2012 Presidential election.  Each uniquely flawed, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum (google it), seem to be the favorites – with Newt Gingrich hanging on.

       Whoever wins this contest may be a hard pill to swallow for the Republican Party.  Kool-aide anyone?

– L. Morales

On Veterans’ Day…

       Mitt Wit

… Mitt Romney suggested that, if he were President, he would move to privatize veterans health care.  Well, why not?  We all know that what a private health care system does is concentrate on providing it’s patients the best possible diagnosis, treatment, and care, right?  We all know that it wouldn’t deteriorate into a system where patients were treated as a means to an end; the end being maximum corporate profit. Right?

Mitt states: “When you work in the private sector and you have a competitor, you know if I don’t treat this customer right, they’re going to leave me and go somewhere else, so I’d better treat them right.”  Hmmm… interesting.  Like a “Health Insurance Exchange”? That thing that would compete  cost-efficiently, and allow the coverage of more people?  (Per Wikipedia: Exchanges are not themselves insurers, so they do not bear risk themselves, but determine which insurance companies are allowed to participate in them. Ideally, a well-designed exchange will promote insurance transparency and accountability, facilitate increased enrollment and the delivery of subsidies, while also playing roles in “spreading risk”, i.e., ensuring that the costs associated with those with high medical needs are shared more broadly across large groups rather than spread across just a few beneficiaries.)  Didn’t the Republicans fight Pres. Obama tooth and nail on that one?

Wow, sorry, went a little deep on that one.  I keep forgetting… its Mitt Romney. That was yesterday.

– L. Morales