Category Archives: President Obama



The Lack of Democrat Cahonas

To impeach or not to impeach.  Really?  Let’s all ask ourselves this question:  Would a Republican congress have impeached President Obama? “He’s just not worth it.” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Is the country worth it Nancy?  Do we, or do we not have rule of law?  There is obviously enough information in the Mueller report to support impeachment.  The Republicans would have impeached Pres. Obama on 1/100th of that information.  President Clinton was impeached because he got his duck sucked.  His actions may have endangered his relationships, but not the country.  Can we say the same about Trump and his minions?

Once again the Democrat party exposes its lack of spine.  It is obviously time for new blood in the party.  Sorry Joe.  Perhaps it’s time to accept that one party is morally superior to the other.  That Party should stop feeling the need to prove that fact and move forward with agendas that would help the people.  Republicans will do whatever is necessary – moral or not, truthful or not, fair or not, to get what they want.  Lie, cheat, steal, suppress votes, hold secret votes,  gerrymander, work with Russians –     whatever it takes.  Perhaps Democrats need not worry so much about the opinions of the other and just move forward.  Do what’s right – no?

Of course Trump’s impeachment would not pass the Republican controlled Senate.  The point of the going through the process is to get Senate Republicans on record.  The Republican bar must be set.  Not sure how much lower it can go though.  Today Rudy Giuliani said…    Does anyone else feel like some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream?  Do they make Impeach-Mint flavor?

Convention Bumps and Bruises

The Seeds of Discontent

“Republicans who want Mitt Romnay to win – who desperately want Barack Obama out of the race, had  better hope that people like Karl Rove and others that have influence in this campaign start going to the candidate and getting in his face and saying ‘we’re investing a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money in you buddy and you better get your stuff together, and the next time you go on a national Sunday show, you’d better have some answers.  You’re not going to be able to coast into victory; you will coast into a 52 – 48 loss.'” – Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe).  Even devoted partisan,  Republican defender Mark Halperin stated, “The President has a meaningful lead and it’s not tied or within the margin of error.”

It seems reality has set in.  Republican party members are publicly (and Mitt Romney’s team privately), acknowledging the “bump” the DNC received from their convention and the lack of one for the Republicans.  Polls show Pres. Obama with 49% of the vote, and Mitt Romney with 44%.  Even the Republican skewing Rasmussen Poll shows:  Obama: 50%  Romney: 45%.

Uh-oh, better ramp up the voter suppression guys!

– lm




Big Deal

Pres. Obama Unhooks Banks

   President Obama announced a historic settlement today.  A $25 billion settlement was reached with Bank (not for) America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Ally Financial over their blatantly fraudulent,  selfish, heartless, economy and middle class destroying activities in the housing market.  But is it enough?  Hard to know when the actual size of the fraud is yet to be determined.  Investigations are still ongoing.

    The settlement promises those who have already lost their home up to $2,000 in compensation (2 little too late), principle reduction for those still in their home and are underwater (to market value?), as well as new regulatory guidelines for the mortgage servicing industry (depends entirely upon enforcement).  Up to 40 states have signed on to the agreement (New York and California included) which brings into question the adequacy of the amount of the settlement.  Historic settlement?  Historic fraud (bank perpetrated).  Did the Pres. let them off the hook?  When we finally find out how much carnage the banks actually caused, will they be laughing all the way to themselves?

– L. Morales

Oily Taint / Santorum Connection?

      Taitz goes Black

     The leader of the birther movement, Orly Taitz, seems to be interested in a little strange.  Republican apologist Allen West is about as strange as they come.  The Florida congressman is on her radar because of his latest outburst.  He demanded that Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and Pres. Barack Obama “Get the hell out of the United States of America! (and he did say hell)”  Orly is trying to hook up with the Tea Party Republican in a bid to keep her fictitious  movement relevant; by using him as a “congressional surrogate” for her BM (birther guys, birther).  I’m sure Pres. Obama hopes they get together so he won’t have to see her again.   But doesn’t an Orly Taitz / Santorum alliance seem more…   humorous?

– L. Morales

The Disrespect Continues…

                                     Leatherface to Face

          Arizona Governor Jan Brewer continued the Republican theme of disrespecting the office of the President of the United States.  She was photographed yesterday wagging her tail finger at President Obama on the airport tarmac where she came to “welcome him”.  When questioned about the photo -op incident she said, “I wasn’t angry at all, I felt a little bit threatened* if you will – in the attitude that he had.  He wanted to talk about my book and I thought he was pretty thin skinned.”  Thin skinned.  Thin skinned…

On “Now With Alex Wagner” they discussed the incident.  Apparently Pres.  Obama was not pleased with her misrepresentation of a meeting they once had.  After the meeting, she stated that things went well, but in her book Scorpions for Breakfast (that explains it), she said he “spoke down” to her.  Alex said, “…particularly around President Obama, there’s this feeling of license that I think a lot on the Right feel they have to attack him personally, and to get really up close with their attack.  Whether its Rick Santorum (Google it) not defending the fact that President Obama is a Christian and American born citizen that deserves to legally hold the office of President; whether its Jan Brewer accosting him on the tarmac – I think its something about  Obama that sort of engenders this personal ire.”  Something about Obama… something about Obama?  So close, so close and yet so far away.  Let me help you Alex, he’s BLACK.

* code word often used to demonize the Black male; to insinuate that the Black man is violent and one’s safety (virtue in the case of the White woman) is to be feared for.
– L. Morales


Chuck Todd gives Joe Scarborough the Finger


At 04:26 this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Washington reporter and political talk show host Chuck Todd gave host Joe Scarborough the finger.  Cameras caught the offensive gesture while Todd waited with another member of the boy’s club, David Gregory, for their segment.  I for one was highly offended and am waiting for an apology from the network, a personal apology from Chuck Todd, and fines for both he and the network.  Wait… … that’s me holding my breath.

While watching the segment, the question of Chuck breaking the rules of television etiquette became secondary to the, once again, issue of the constant belittling  of co-host Mika Brzezinski and her opinions.  Mika: “What, what – I speak up…”  Joe (cuts her off as usual): “It’s not that you speak up – it’s that you delegitimize my world view of government that I’ve believed for 20 years, and Barack Obama by the way, does this too – all the time, it’s “those Republicans just want to stop me” there’s never the assumption that maybe “those Republicans” don’t believe in his big government prescriptions”*.  Mika: “With all respect to your world view…” – of course she wasn’t allowed to finish her thought.  She was again subjected to the “Republican shout-down”.  Not sure how she does it every day.  She’s an accomplished, intelligent, attractive woman whose opinions should not be stifled.  Hey MSNBC, after you pay the fine for Chuck Todd’s shenanigans, perhaps you could look into “Mornings with Mika”?

* Republicans often speak of a “mandate” when referring to their 2010 victory in congress.  With the help of the corporate media, they were able to secure a majority in congress by promising jobs for the American people.  This was to be their top priority.  Of course, after the election, the Republican agenda changed to: “Our top priority is to make Barack Obama a one term president”.  They have not introduced a single jobs bill in 3 years.  Instead they have blocked everything President Obama has tried to do when it comes to repairing the economy.  Question:  When Barack Obama won the Presidency with a 70% ** majority, was that not a mandate? The Republicans have never given Pres. Obama an opportunity to enact his policies, yet they demand theirs be allowed because of their “mandate”.  What’s that word I’m looking for… starts with an H, ends with… ypocrisy?

** 53% national – 61% California
– L. Morales

Health care law held constitutional in latest appeals court ruling

Senate Votes No on Infrastructure

We’re Republicans! No We Don’t!

Republicans in the Senate voted down consideration of the infrastructure bill today.  The President asked for $60 billion to put people back to work by repairing the crumbling, dilapidated, sub-par, outdated, unsafe, and for a “superpower”, embarrassing system of bridges, road and railways.  Republicans said no.

70% of the American people agree with the President.  Power to the people!

– L. Morales