

The Lack of Democrat Cahonas

To impeach or not to impeach.  Really?  Let’s all ask ourselves this question:  Would a Republican congress have impeached President Obama? “He’s just not worth it.” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Is the country worth it Nancy?  Do we, or do we not have rule of law?  There is obviously enough information in the Mueller report to support impeachment.  The Republicans would have impeached Pres. Obama on 1/100th of that information.  President Clinton was impeached because he got his duck sucked.  His actions may have endangered his relationships, but not the country.  Can we say the same about Trump and his minions?

Once again the Democrat party exposes its lack of spine.  It is obviously time for new blood in the party.  Sorry Joe.  Perhaps it’s time to accept that one party is morally superior to the other.  That Party should stop feeling the need to prove that fact and move forward with agendas that would help the people.  Republicans will do whatever is necessary – moral or not, truthful or not, fair or not, to get what they want.  Lie, cheat, steal, suppress votes, hold secret votes,  gerrymander, work with Russians –     whatever it takes.  Perhaps Democrats need not worry so much about the opinions of the other and just move forward.  Do what’s right – no?

Of course Trump’s impeachment would not pass the Republican controlled Senate.  The point of the going through the process is to get Senate Republicans on record.  The Republican bar must be set.  Not sure how much lower it can go though.  Today Rudy Giuliani said…    Does anyone else feel like some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream?  Do they make Impeach-Mint flavor?

No Vaseline


Dick’s Withdrawl

The NRA has been screwing the American people for a long time.  A very long time.  Many, many years. Decades.  With lethal consequences.  What’s the latest body count? 17 dead, 14 injured in the Valentine’s Day massacre at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in south Florida.  Add that to the long list of mass shootings over the years, and the body count is horrific.

Many have said that Republican politicians have had a fascination with NRA ass for a long time.  A very long time.  Many, many years.  Decades.  With lethal consequences. That sweet, sweet LaPierre ass.  Bending over for the cracker.  Not true?  Then why all the kissing noises? Why the stagnation?  Where’s the legislation?  There is none. Republicans are dependent upon campaign contributions from the NRA – an organization whose obvious agenda is to facilitate the sale of as many guns as possible.  It’s just business.

Because of the latest high school massacre, Dick’s Sporting Goods has pledged to stop selling assault-style rifles, as well as stop gun sales to persons under 21 years old. Being one of the largest sporting goods retailers in the country, their actions have influenced other corporations to follow suit.  Walmart, who had already stopped selling AR-15s and other assault-style rifles in 2015, also pledged to not sell guns or ammunition to those under 21.  Other companies like Delta Airlines have stopped doing business with the NRA through discount programs.  Kids over coins.  What a novel concept.  One no doubt greatly influenced by the protests of the students in s. Florida.  An internet savvy generation, schooled in the art of the tweet, articulate, unapologetic, and scared for their lives.  Pullin wools with your scams – no more silent lambs.

No more asses up and hands out.  The times they are a-changin’.  The next generation is apparently woke – and taking names.  Soon, the NRA is going to have to bend with no Vaseline.  If not, it will break.  Just a match and a little bit of gasoline…


Black Liar!


Hope Hicks Admits to “Little White Lies

In 2012, Hope Hicks worked for Ivanka Trump’s shoe line.  By 2014, she was the Trump Organization’s (is that an oxymoron?) Communications Director.  Today, White House Communications Director Hope Hicks testified before the House Intel Committee.  She revealed that on occasion, she tells little white lies for her boss Donald Trump.

white lie –  a harmless, often trivial, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruth; a minor unimportant lie uttered in the interest of tact or politeness; a lie not meant to delude another to protect oneself





Negroes in the Mist

foggy road

Breaking News:  Stockholm Syndrome Alive and Well in the South

Unlike their Republican counterparts, “African” American Democrat voters appear content with being fooled again.  In South Carolina,  Hillary Clinton won with 74% of the vote  to Bernie Sanders’ 26%.  Impossible if not for the overwhelming support from the aged (and apparently senile) Black community.  Clinton captured 90% of the 65 and above crowd,  while Bernie dominated with Blacks and Whites 29 and younger.

While stumping in Black churches across the South, Clinton promised to refinance student debt at lower interest rates and cap the length of time a loan must be paid at 20 years.  She also promised to “take on systemic racism, target communities of color for more economic assistance, get back to the economic policies that worked when my husband was President; when everybody’s income went up and up – the middle, the  working folks, the poor people.   And we’re going to reform the criminal justice system and make sure that it protects people, not harasses and even kills people in the process of policing.  And we’re going after the epidemic of gun violence; on average 90 people per day die from guns.  Did you know that gun violence is the #1 cause of death among young African-American men?”  I think they knew Hillary, they knew.  The question is when did you know?  When your speech writer handed you your script?  As a result of Clinton’s blandering (Black pandering), she was awarded victories in Massachusetts, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas, Georgia, and Alabama.  Bernie  Sanders won Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Vermont.

But, buyer beware.  With Clinton, you may actually get what the big banks paid for:  .    Should not our President have scruples?  How about integrity?  What makes her acceptable now, but not in 2008?    The Clinton candidacy promises a continuation of the Obama policies.  Lets not forget, Obama  did not prosecute anyone in the financial industry for their shady dealings that led to economic disaster.  He rewarded them by using our tax money to bail them out…  Did you know Chelsea Clinton is a hedge fund manager?   Curiouser and curiouser…

The Clinton campaign artfully smears Bernie Sanders by accusing him of having policy ideas that are fantastical and cannot be passed in “the real world”.  Well Hillary, if you reach for the stars, you may get the moon.  But if you reach for the moon…    Now is the time to WAKE UP BLACK PEOPLE!!  If not, well, here’s to the new boss.  Same as the old boss.

National Disgrace

The Rise and Fall of Donald Trump

Blowhard  [ˈblōˌhärd] (noun): A person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner.  A person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way; a braggart, windbag, loudmouth, gasbag, asshole, ass wipe, dumb ass, dick, idiot, etc.

Donald Trump has a small penis.  Everyone knows that the guy with the biggest gun has the smallest penis…

The “liberal media” loves a good story.  Donald Trump is a “showman”, a carnival barker, a racist son of a bitch.  Thus, the rise of the Donald.  But please “liberal media”, don’t insult my intelligence by sitting around your glass tables pontificating as to why Donald Trump has such large crowds and has lasted so long as front-runner, as I sit and watch 30 minutes of a Trump rally, where he spoke about his poll numbers, how large his crowd was, how everything was going to be beautiful, about the fact that he hasn’t spent any money-he wants to spend money, but he’s getting all this free publicity…  and how stupid the media is – you know, “those idiots at the back of the room”, you know, the ones that never show his large crowds (camera then shows his audience), you know, the ones that never pan the crowd (camera then pans the room).  Oh.  He meant those idiots.

Then, the broadcast returned to the studio where the talking heads spoke Trump for another 20 minutes, then returned to his rally.  Hmmm… I wonder how he did it?  I’m sure the “liberal media” policy of: 24/7, everything Trump – had nothing to do with it. Make no mistake, Donald Trump is not the national disgrace.  The liberal media is.  It is they who embraced the Tea Party and their blatant racism toward Pres. Obama.  It is they who gave the Tea party the platform  to speak and represented them as a majority, not the minority of “Americans” (instead of Republican-Americans) that they were.  It is they who embraced the Birther Movement and Donald Trump’s ridiculous demand to see Pres. Obama’s birth certificate.  It is they who, with the help of the Republican Party, laid the ground work for today’s political environment; one filled with fear, racism, and divisiveness.  It is they who are the national disgrace.

“People see him as the strongest to deal with foreign policy, the economy, on all the issues, and national security, that voters care about.” – Mark Halprin, Morning Joe

But why does no one ask: “Based on what?” His ability to bloviate?  Certainly not on his policy proposals;  Making America Great Again by: Building a wall that “the Mexicans” will pay for (and it will be beautiful-the biggest most beautiful wall that you have ever seen).  Fixing the economy – the one that corporations (of which Donald Trump owns more than a few) have enjoyed making record profits in for the last 7 years of the Obama administration.  Helping the middle class; cutting their, as well as corporate taxes (because what, corporations need another tax cut? or does he have faith in the “Trickle Down Theory”?, and if the rich getting richer is such a good thing, please explain why the United States is suffering [middle class, poor point of view] from the largest gap of income inequality in its history?).  Defeating Isis-by “bombing the shit out of them” because bombs have worked so well so far…  Well, at least we can have confidence in his negotiation skills.  After all, he is a multi-billionaire right? “One figure that was missing: Trump’s net worth.” – I mean, he’s smart and everyone else is stupid right?

If all it takes to become President of the United States is to be a racist carnival barker who talks in circles but says nothing, a bully who bases his political campaign on personal attacks resulting in emotional not cerebral commentary, a candidate who has no policy plans other than “Its gonna be beautiful.”, well ladies and gentlemen, meet your new president…

You’re almost there buddy.  Blow harder Donald.  Blow harder.

The Face of Revolution?

bernie2 Yup.

The roof, the roof is apparently on fire. Well, we don’t need no water… we’ve got Bernie.  Bernie baby, Bernie!  The self proclaimed Socialist is giving the Democratic debutante a run for her (or should I say the big bank’s) money.  Free from the shackles of corporate sponsorship, the Sanders campaign is being carried by an enthusiastic grass-roots movement, spawning spry, if not rich, individual donors.  So sprightly in fact, that his campaign recently broke Pres. Obama’s fundraising record – 2.3 million individual donations to Pres. Obama’s 2.2 million by the end of the year.  The majority were small donations with the average donation at $25.00.  He is close to, and is expected to surpass Hillary Clinton’s $29 million fundraising effort by the end of this quarter.  Should she be concerned?  Yup.

Not only in money but support as well, Sanders has closed in if not surpassed Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire respectively.  If not already blinded by the prospect of having a vagina as president , supporting Sanders should not be a difficult decision. After all, a Socialist by any other name is a Democrat.  He appears to be concerned with the same issues as the majority of the Liberal base; channeling an older, whiter, Elizabeth Warren*.  Could that be the reason the Democratic Party recently blocked the Sanders campaign from its own donor information; a way to slow down his momentum – especially in Iowa? – with the caucus right around the corner?  Within the realm of possibility?  Yup.

Bernie Sanders’ Hillary moment: .

Hillary Clinton’s Hillary moment: .

I rest my case.

* Where the hell is she anyway and what the fuck was that meeting about between her and Hillary Clinton right around the time Clinton announced her Presidential bid and why was Warren the only no-show at the Clinton fundraiser where the other 13 female Democratic senators showed up to support her and why is she not supporting Bernie Sanders anyway?




Monkey Business

Paul Ryan Perpetuates Deception

     Joe Biden made a monkey of Paul Ryan at the Vice Presidential debate last night.  Calling Ryan on nearly all of his malarkey, Biden kept the boy genius on the defense, and at times speechless; seemingly in turmoil when questioned about Roe v. Wade, and other issues where his personal beliefs conflict with that of the Romney campaign’s newly stated ones.  But like a true Republican soldier, Ryan marched onward with the flag of deception flying high. The policy wonk was unable to articulate his campaign’s vision of voucherizing Medicare.  As Biden said, “The numbers don’t [didn’t] add up.”  Ryan was pressed for specifics on foreign policy and, even though he had ample time, still managed to give none.  He continued the Romney campaign’s tactic of providing “low information” voters with no information.

     Something magical happened last night…  something strange, yet wonderful.  Something we are not used to seeing in today’s politics.  Something we may never see again in our lifetime, for its occurrences are few and far between.  The truth won.

Convention Bumps and Bruises

The Seeds of Discontent

“Republicans who want Mitt Romnay to win – who desperately want Barack Obama out of the race, had  better hope that people like Karl Rove and others that have influence in this campaign start going to the candidate and getting in his face and saying ‘we’re investing a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money in you buddy and you better get your stuff together, and the next time you go on a national Sunday show, you’d better have some answers.  You’re not going to be able to coast into victory; you will coast into a 52 – 48 loss.'” – Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe).  Even devoted partisan,  Republican defender Mark Halperin stated, “The President has a meaningful lead and it’s not tied or within the margin of error.”

It seems reality has set in.  Republican party members are publicly (and Mitt Romney’s team privately), acknowledging the “bump” the DNC received from their convention and the lack of one for the Republicans.  Polls show Pres. Obama with 49% of the vote, and Mitt Romney with 44%.  Even the Republican skewing Rasmussen Poll shows:  Obama: 50%  Romney: 45%.

Uh-oh, better ramp up the voter suppression guys!

– lm




United Occupy Party petition

To sign the United Occupy Party petition goto:

– Revolution starts in the mind.

– L. Morales

The Big Dick

Biggest dick of all.    Just a Little White Lie

MSNBC has reported that newly unclassified documents reveal both George Bush and Dick Cheney were briefed by the CIA the day before Cheney went on Meet the Press to link Mohammad Atta to Saddam Hussein: .

Over 4,000 Americans killed and maimed, hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed or disfigured, $800 billion of US treasure spent  in the name of what… justice?  Oil? Freedom?  Democracy?  Or was it for the enrichment of he and his friends (lets not forget about Xe [Haliburton])?  Interesting how draft dodger Cheney  had no problem with sending thousands of our children to die by lying us into a war, but didn’t want to personally fight for the country he claims to love.

What a Bush!