Category Archives: jobs

Chuck Todd gives Joe Scarborough the Finger


At 04:26 this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Washington reporter and political talk show host Chuck Todd gave host Joe Scarborough the finger.  Cameras caught the offensive gesture while Todd waited with another member of the boy’s club, David Gregory, for their segment.  I for one was highly offended and am waiting for an apology from the network, a personal apology from Chuck Todd, and fines for both he and the network.  Wait… … that’s me holding my breath.

While watching the segment, the question of Chuck breaking the rules of television etiquette became secondary to the, once again, issue of the constant belittling  of co-host Mika Brzezinski and her opinions.  Mika: “What, what – I speak up…”  Joe (cuts her off as usual): “It’s not that you speak up – it’s that you delegitimize my world view of government that I’ve believed for 20 years, and Barack Obama by the way, does this too – all the time, it’s “those Republicans just want to stop me” there’s never the assumption that maybe “those Republicans” don’t believe in his big government prescriptions”*.  Mika: “With all respect to your world view…” – of course she wasn’t allowed to finish her thought.  She was again subjected to the “Republican shout-down”.  Not sure how she does it every day.  She’s an accomplished, intelligent, attractive woman whose opinions should not be stifled.  Hey MSNBC, after you pay the fine for Chuck Todd’s shenanigans, perhaps you could look into “Mornings with Mika”?

* Republicans often speak of a “mandate” when referring to their 2010 victory in congress.  With the help of the corporate media, they were able to secure a majority in congress by promising jobs for the American people.  This was to be their top priority.  Of course, after the election, the Republican agenda changed to: “Our top priority is to make Barack Obama a one term president”.  They have not introduced a single jobs bill in 3 years.  Instead they have blocked everything President Obama has tried to do when it comes to repairing the economy.  Question:  When Barack Obama won the Presidency with a 70% ** majority, was that not a mandate? The Republicans have never given Pres. Obama an opportunity to enact his policies, yet they demand theirs be allowed because of their “mandate”.  What’s that word I’m looking for… starts with an H, ends with… ypocrisy?

** 53% national – 61% California
– L. Morales

Lazy, Shiftless …

Blacks Need to Get a Job!

Once again, African Americans prove to be the laziest demographic in the United States.  An obvious lack of resourcefulness, ambition, intellect, and drive has again placed the group at the top of the unemployment list:

African American -15.5%  Hispanic -11.4% National Average – 8.6%  European American -7.6%  Asian – 6.5%.

What is it with these people that make them so slothful, so willing to avoid work but instead look for government handouts?  I mean, the numbers don’t lie right?  There couldn’t be any other reason that Blacks in America are the “last ones hired and first ones fired”, right?

– L. Morales

Powered by small business hiring, unemployment rate falls to 8.6 percent, lowest in 2 1/2 years

Senate Votes No on Infrastructure

We’re Republicans! No We Don’t!

Republicans in the Senate voted down consideration of the infrastructure bill today.  The President asked for $60 billion to put people back to work by repairing the crumbling, dilapidated, sub-par, outdated, unsafe, and for a “superpower”, embarrassing system of bridges, road and railways.  Republicans said no.

70% of the American people agree with the President.  Power to the people!

– L. Morales

Senate Votes on Infrastructure Vote @ Noon

We’re Americans!  We do Big Things!

As President Obama continues his tactic of introducing individual parts of his jobs bill, at 12:00pm the Senate will vote on whether or not they want to vote on an infrastructure bill.  What?  Hopefully they keep politics out of it and do the right thing – we need the jobs!

– L. Morales