Category Archives: race

Exercise in Futility

  Resistance is Futile

The Borg-like Mitt Romney suffered incredible primary losses in the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama last night.  Once again he showed he cannot win in the South.  Lucky for Mitt he will be running agin a negro Nazi, socialistic communist, Keynesian Marxist Muslim who hates white people and wants to take their guns away.

The longer the Republican primary race goes on, the more it seems that Mitt the Inevitable may become Mitt the Fortuitous (if he is allowed the nomination).  The Republican party is going to have to pull a rabbit out of the proverbial bag of dirty tricks if they want their man in.  Can’t wait for the show.

President Obama on the other hand?  Well, what will the Republican agenda be when he wins in November?  To make sure he doesn’ t win a third term?  Will they be able to overcome their racist tendencies and work with him to actually help the American people?  Or, will we give President Obama what he needs – overwhelming majorities in both the House and Senate – to do the things he knows that we know that he knows we want him to do?

– L. Morales

The Maine Event

and the Winner is…

     In this corner, Newt Gingrich – Gingrich… in this corner Rick Santorum – Santorum in the corner everybody – somebody get a mop… and in this corner, racist Ron Paul – Racist Ron everybody…  and in this corner… the $57,000/hour man Mitt Romney.  Yes, the cage match continues…

“Tired of the Obama extreme agenda” and “excited to cast the first vote against it”, Maine caucus goers helped “severe conservative” Mitt Romney deliver a knockout punch today.  The golden-gloved one delivered the 1-2 to his opponents with a 39% victory topping Ron Paul’s 36%, Rick Santorum’s 18% and Newt Gingrich’s 6%.

One step closer to being chin-checked by Barack Obama.

– L. Morales



Racism Promoted at CPAC 2012

Black Peter, White Paul

Paul Defends Peter

     In the 1840’s when the Dutch empire had deep involvement in the slave “trade”, a quaint tale of one of Santa Claus’ helpers was created.  His name was Black Peter.  He was a little African slave boy who helped Santa by carrying a book full of  the names of all the naughty children.  He also carried a rod and a sack.  No, not full of toys, this sack was used to carry all the bad children away.

     This delightful Christmas tale is apparently still being enthusiastically celebrated in the Netherlands today.  By donning afros, blackface, and red lipstick, they proudly keep their beloved tradition intact; preserved for future generations.  The vigorous  defense of the character?: He is only Black because of coming down the chimney, but he, of course, refuses to bathe.  Hmm… a White African slave who refuses to bathe …

     Newly revealed racist Ron Paul has been feeling the heat lately because of some previously expressed beliefs.  Apparently, in the 1990s, the Ron Paul Investment Newsletter informed not only on financial matters, but on racial ones as well.  In 1990, the newsletter called Martin Luther King Jr. “a world class adulterer who seduced underage girls and boys”. It also criticized the MLK day holiday as “Hate Whitey Day”.  Then there was the delightful “If you have ever been robbed by a Black teen, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be.” and the factual “In the 1992 Los Angeles riots, order was only restored in LA when it came time for the Blacks to pick up their welfare checks.”  Also, the informative “At least 39 White women have been stuck with used hypodermic needles – perhaps infected with Aids – by gangs of Black girls between the ages of 12-14.” and the always helpful “Carjacking is the hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth.  If you have to use a gun on a youth, leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible.”

     Racist Ron continues to deny knowing anything about the articles published under his name.  “I didn’t write them.  I didn’t read them at the time.  I disavow them.”  He did however enthusiastically promote the newsletter.  His campaign chairman Drew Ivers said, “He does not retreat or deny material written under his own signature, such as the letter promoting the newsletter.”  When will they learn?  Never put it in writing.

     Assuming he’s telling the truth (which I doubt),  “Big Picture” question: If he can’t lead a newsletter, should he be allowed to lead the free world?

  – L. Morales

Time for a little fun at Herman Cain’s Expense

Lazy, Shiftless …

Blacks Need to Get a Job!

Once again, African Americans prove to be the laziest demographic in the United States.  An obvious lack of resourcefulness, ambition, intellect, and drive has again placed the group at the top of the unemployment list:

African American -15.5%  Hispanic -11.4% National Average – 8.6%  European American -7.6%  Asian – 6.5%.

What is it with these people that make them so slothful, so willing to avoid work but instead look for government handouts?  I mean, the numbers don’t lie right?  There couldn’t be any other reason that Blacks in America are the “last ones hired and first ones fired”, right?

– L. Morales