Tag Archives: Republicans



The Lack of Democrat Cahonas

To impeach or not to impeach.  Really?  Let’s all ask ourselves this question:  Would a Republican congress have impeached President Obama? “He’s just not worth it.” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Is the country worth it Nancy?  Do we, or do we not have rule of law?  There is obviously enough information in the Mueller report to support impeachment.  The Republicans would have impeached Pres. Obama on 1/100th of that information.  President Clinton was impeached because he got his duck sucked.  His actions may have endangered his relationships, but not the country.  Can we say the same about Trump and his minions?

Once again the Democrat party exposes its lack of spine.  It is obviously time for new blood in the party.  Sorry Joe.  Perhaps it’s time to accept that one party is morally superior to the other.  That Party should stop feeling the need to prove that fact and move forward with agendas that would help the people.  Republicans will do whatever is necessary – moral or not, truthful or not, fair or not, to get what they want.  Lie, cheat, steal, suppress votes, hold secret votes,  gerrymander, work with Russians –     whatever it takes.  Perhaps Democrats need not worry so much about the opinions of the other and just move forward.  Do what’s right – no?

Of course Trump’s impeachment would not pass the Republican controlled Senate.  The point of the going through the process is to get Senate Republicans on record.  The Republican bar must be set.  Not sure how much lower it can go though.  Today Rudy Giuliani said…    Does anyone else feel like some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream?  Do they make Impeach-Mint flavor?

No Vaseline


Dick’s Withdrawl

The NRA has been screwing the American people for a long time.  A very long time.  Many, many years. Decades.  With lethal consequences.  What’s the latest body count? 17 dead, 14 injured in the Valentine’s Day massacre at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in south Florida.  Add that to the long list of mass shootings over the years, and the body count is horrific.

Many have said that Republican politicians have had a fascination with NRA ass for a long time.  A very long time.  Many, many years.  Decades.  With lethal consequences. That sweet, sweet LaPierre ass.  Bending over for the cracker.  Not true?  Then why all the kissing noises? Why the stagnation?  Where’s the legislation?  There is none. Republicans are dependent upon campaign contributions from the NRA – an organization whose obvious agenda is to facilitate the sale of as many guns as possible.  It’s just business.

Because of the latest high school massacre, Dick’s Sporting Goods has pledged to stop selling assault-style rifles, as well as stop gun sales to persons under 21 years old. Being one of the largest sporting goods retailers in the country, their actions have influenced other corporations to follow suit.  Walmart, who had already stopped selling AR-15s and other assault-style rifles in 2015, also pledged to not sell guns or ammunition to those under 21.  Other companies like Delta Airlines have stopped doing business with the NRA through discount programs.  Kids over coins.  What a novel concept.  One no doubt greatly influenced by the protests of the students in s. Florida.  An internet savvy generation, schooled in the art of the tweet, articulate, unapologetic, and scared for their lives.  Pullin wools with your scams – no more silent lambs.

No more asses up and hands out.  The times they are a-changin’.  The next generation is apparently woke – and taking names.  Soon, the NRA is going to have to bend with no Vaseline.  If not, it will break.  Just a match and a little bit of gasoline…


Limbaugh Humbug

As advertisers flee and radio stations go silent, one must ask:  

What’s the Rush?

He’s been spewing his particular brand of crap for decades – why now? Suddenly you can’t call someone a slut and a prostitute? What’s this country coming to?  There used to be a time when a half-assed apology was good enough! Ahhh the good old days … when men were men and women were quiet.

Unfortunately for us, Ronald Reagan unleashed this voice of unreason when he repealed The Fairness Doctrine in 1987. The incurious have been suffering ever since, and in turn the rest of us.  Unfortunately for Rush, while he stood oblivious (perhaps the Oxycontin), the sands of time have shifted right under his beleaguered feet. Could this be the end of the road for the fat bastard?  Will he become a political martyr  for the Republican party, or will he hang on to continue to regurgitate the vile, divisive, racist, sexist, hypocritical vitriol of his party?  Stay tuned…

– L. Morales

Eat Your Vegetables

Republicans  Reclassify Pizza a Vegetable

     The US Dept. of Agriculture today, wanted to limit the amount of calories/fat students consumed during school lunch.  In an effort to keep pizza on the menu, the Republican led House Appropriations Committee suggested  it be reclassified as a vegetable.  Hmmm… the Pizza Hut lobby?

Kind of reminds me of when Republican Congresswoman Martha Roby introduced HR 205 – the Geometric Simplification Act; wanting to change the value of pi from: 3.1415926…  to: 3.0 .  – No big deal right?

– L. Morales

“Just Friends”

Walking through the park and reminiscing...

Senate Votes No on Infrastructure

We’re Republicans! No We Don’t!

Republicans in the Senate voted down consideration of the infrastructure bill today.  The President asked for $60 billion to put people back to work by repairing the crumbling, dilapidated, sub-par, outdated, unsafe, and for a “superpower”, embarrassing system of bridges, road and railways.  Republicans said no.

70% of the American people agree with the President.  Power to the people!

– L. Morales